Club Rules Pertaining to Class Participation and Training

  1. All dogs in training classes must have proof of inoculations for Rabies, Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvo
    viruses. Dogs should also be checked for internal parasites while they are at the vet’s office. Additionally, be
    sure to check for fleas. If you find them, use a flea prevention product on your dog before you come to class.
    The building is cleaned weekly but fleas can quickly become a problem if they’re introduced into class.
  2. All dogs must be on lead while classes are in session unless directed otherwise by your instructor. If you must
    leave your dog, please ask someone to hold him or put him in your car. Do not tie him to a post, table or
    leave him in a stay.
  3. You are responsible for keeping your dog under control at all times. Keep him on a short leash unless you are
    otherwise instructed while in class.
  4. You are responsible for cleaning up after your dog outside the building. There is a set of scoopers and a
    bucket at each post in the exercise areas.
  5. Female dogs in season are not permitted in classes, but handlers are encouraged to attend without their dog.
  6. Agility equipment (inside or outside) should not be used without instructor permission
  7. Children are welcome to train with a responsible adult present. The instructor has the right to ask the adult to
    take over training if, in the instructor’s view, the child is struggling with the dog.
  8. Well-behaved children may observe classes as long as they are supervised. Parents are responsible for any damage caused by their children.
  9. Trained or partially trained attack/guard dogs and wolf and/or coyote dog crosses may not participate in club
    activities. (August 1976, August 1983)
  10. Dogs may be dropped from class with no notice at the discretion of the instructor. Examples of behavior
    that may necessitate expulsion include, but are not limited to, aggression, harsh training, lack of cooperation,
    and intoxication.
  11. Handlers may only work one dog per class. With instructor approval dogs can be alternated from week
    to week.
  12. Inclement weather policy: The Director of Training, together with the President, is responsible for cancelling
    classes for any reason (i.e. weather). The President and Director of Training together decide on a protocol for
    class cancellation including: 1.What time decision must be made. 2. Add note to
    twitter and Facebook 3. Notify teachers. 4. Teachers notify students. 5. Email DTCCU email list.
  13. Firearms are not allowed in the building. (March 2014)
  14. Remote or electronic collars are banned at all club functions, i.e. Classes, Trials, Matches, etc. (April 1995)


If you notify us within the first two weeks of class that you will be unable to continue, we will refund your class
fee, less $10 following completion of a Refund Form. Class fees will be refunded on a prorata
basis through the fourth class. After the fourth class, fees will not be refunded.