I came to DTCCU 5 years ago with a young Vizsla. I had no idea what dog competition was. I had shown in 4H over 40 years ago but nothing since then. We kept taking classes and was encouraged to enter a DTCCU Trial . We did and actually placed. Fast forward 5 years later and I have added another Vizsla and have a puppy on the horizon. I have traveled to states I had never been and have friends from all over. My first dog has gotten her UD and my second dog has her CDX so far. My first dog has placed at Rally Nationals , has been High Triple and High Combined in Rally at the Vizsla Nationals and has her Rally Championship (RACH). She is also in AKC’s Top 100 in Rally Sporting Breeds- she was number 44 last year. Ive been assisting for a while and just started teaching. I want to give back to the Club who has helped me so much. Ive had the best instructors who are always encouraging and have a wealth of knowledge. Im so happy I walked into DTCCU , It has changed my life and Ive made some awesome friends. When I’m not training I work as a Nurse and enjoy Repurposing and Junking