Excellent is performed off leash with 15 to 20 signs. There are some more challenging exercises. Handlers are not allowed to clap or pat their legs. Two jumps are required.
The registration cost for an 8-week class is $120 and the cost for a 4-week class (or workshop) is $60. Agility classes are 6 weeks which each class runs for 1 1/2 hours.
Rally Excellent / Master
About Rally
Rally is a fairly new dog sport to AKC. There are five levels which get more challenging the more advanced you are . They go from Novice, Intermediate (both on leash) , Advanced, Excellent and Masters (off leash) . You start in Novice and work for “legs” or a qualifying score of 70 or higher (out of 100 possible). After three “legs” you get a title and move to the next level. The courses have 10-20 signs on a course, set up by the judge. You don’t know what signs you have until you walk the course prior to your class. The signs are more challenging the higher you go. Runs are timed in case of a tie score- faster time places higher. Dog and handler must work as a team- it looks smooth like dancing . You would need to learn all the signs at each level to show. You can look for Rally on the AKC website for more info. There are also Apps on smart phones for the signs.
Length of classes: 8 weeks