The registration cost for an 8-week class is $120 and the cost for a 4-week class (or workshop) is $60. Agility classes are 6 weeks which each class runs for 1 1/2 hours.

Open-Utility Basics

Open Basics in an intro class to the Open Exercises in Obedience. Advanced Obedience is taught in pieces and can be taught to the young dog .  The Open Exercises are Heel, Figure 8, Drop on Recall, Retrieve on the Flat, Retrieve over the High Jump, Broad Jump, Command Discrimination and Stand and get your leash. This class does not have you ready to trial at this level. It’s intended to get you started with the pieces as an introduction to you and your dog. We do a lot of engagement exercises. Your dog needs to be able to heel on a leash and come when called.  You do not have to have a Novice Title.  We utilize a facebook group with videos for this  class.

 Utility Basics  in an intro class to the Utility  Exercises in Obedience. Advanced Obedience is taught in pieces and can be taught to the young dog .  Utility Exercises are Signals, Scent Discrimination, Directed Retrieve, Directed Jumping and Moving Stand. This class does not have you ready to trial at this level. It’s intended to get you started with the pieces as an introduction to you and your dog. We do a lot of engagement exercises. To compete at this level focus and months of training are required. For this class your dog needs to be able to heel on a leash and come when called.  You do not have to have a Novice Title or Open Title.   We utilize a facebook group with videos for this  class.

This is a combined class of the advanced exercises in pieces. We will taylor the class to what level dogs are at. We will work on a retrieve as its an exercise in both classes. 

Length of classes: 8 weeks

Prerequisites: Dogs must have passed the CGC to enroll in this course or Instructor Approval.