The registration cost for an 8-week class is $120 and the cost for a 4-week class (or workshop) is $60. Agility classes are 6 weeks which each class runs for 1 1/2 hours.


Scent Work is the latest craze, because it’s FUN!  It’s also a great confidence builder as it requires the dog to lead the way.  The goal of this course is to introduce dogs to birch odor using a series of games (we do NOT search for food or pair odor and food).  We’ll also touch on proper handling of odor, equipment and leash handling and the importance of odor obedience.  By the end of class, most teams who practice regularly between class should be ready for their NACSW Birch ORT or to begin in Novice AKC Scent Work Containers.

$5 supply fee.  Each student will receive a starter kit with Birch swabs.

Prerequisite: Dogs of any age welcome, no prerequisite.

Length of classes: 8 weeks

dog scentwork