The registration cost for an 8-week class is $120 and the cost for a 4-week class (or workshop) is $60. Agility classes are 6 weeks which each class runs for 1 1/2 hours.

Contacts and Weaves

You and your dog will learn the basics of training contacts (teeter, dog walk, A frame) using the two-on-two-off method.  Running contacts will not be covered in this class.  You will also earn the basics of training weave poles.  A variety of methods may be used, depending on the instructor.  Your dog should perform a stopped contact,  know how to enter the weaves and be making progress toward a straight line of six poles by the end of this class.  

Fast-paced, goal-oriented Weaves and Contacts class will require training sessions outside of class. Daily practice is best. Students will benefit from having access to basic equipment. Weaves homework relies on having access to channel or 2×2 weaves, whether at home or at the club. Having a travel plank or reasonable facsimile is suggested for completing Contacts homework assignments

NOTE:  You must complete this class before you can register for Intermediate 1.  Beginner 1 and Beginner 2 must be completed prior to registering for this class.

Length of classes: 6 weeks

Agility classes may be repeated once, if necessary.  If your dog has not learned the required skills after repeating a class you will be placed on a waiting list until there is space for you to try again.  

All classes involve wait time until it is your turn to run your dog.  You must bring a crate to agility class so your dog can learn to wait calmly and quietly.