Designed to prepare well behaved, well socialized dogs to take the Canine Good Citizen test, this class focuses solely on the skills required to earn the CGC title. Dogs that have already taken Home Companion, but were not ready to take the CGC test at the end, can continue their training here. Experienced dog owners whose dogs may not need the longer Home Companion class are also welcome in this class. Do NOT register for this class without familiarizing yourself with the test items. View the CGC Test Information. Your registration includes the cost of taking the CGC test after class ends.
The registration cost for an 8-week class is $120 and the cost for a 4-week class (or workshop) is $60. Agility classes are 6 weeks which each class runs for 1 1/2 hours.
Canine Good Citizen Prep
Length of classes: 4 weeks