Prerequisite: Intermediate Agility 2 and instructor permission
Agility students will be expected to comply with rules set by AKC, see the AKC handbook for reference.
Section 9. Collars. At the handler’s option, dogs may run a course with or without a collar. The only collars allowed when running a course are flat buckle or rolled leather collars, but there shall be no attachments hanging or otherwise allowed on the collar. This shall not preclude painted or stitched designs or information on the collar. Dog’s names and/or identifying information may appear on the collar. No title, awards, or advertising may appear on the collar. Dogs may be brought to the start line on slip leads, choke chains, body harnesses, head halters or other collars that are permitted on the trial grounds. Pinch/prong and electrical collars (dummy or not), and special training collars are not allowed anywhere on the trial grounds.Additionally we will follow the AKC policy of no harsh treatment of dogs:
Section 6. Exusuals. Handler continuously or conspicuously leads the dog through the course (excessive handling), uses harsh commands, or corrections. Including: Unsportsmanlike conduct.Handlers are expected to treat their dogs, instructors, other students, and themselves with respect and kindness. This will be a positive reinforcement environment.
In this class you will build on the skills learned in Intermediate Agility 2. Complexity will be added to tunnels (bypass, backside sends), jumps (serpentines, pinwheels, 270s), crosses, and verbal discrimination of obstacles, among other things.